Monday, March 27
In Opposition I
Law & Chaos - 5 Points in oppositionChaos [as it is generally understood today]-- Complete Disorder
The Nature of Chaos--
1- A place without any possible orientation, where anything falls in
every direction
2- A place devoid of Order, where the only constancy is its inconstancy
3- Inherently anti-life, wherein life-- requiring order --cannot,
as we understand it, exist
4- A place where Duration cannot be measured
5- Imperfection realized
Law, or Order-- The Contrary of Chaos; Complete Order
The Nature of Law--
1- A place where all things follow the same order of
law, where even randomness, follows a prescribed order.
2- A place of inter-connectivity, where everything has purpose,
and every purpose has place
3- A place devoid of Disorder, where change is impossible unless it
perfectly harmonizes with all that has preceded it
4- A place where Duration is fully measurable
5- Perfection realized
Law nurtures life, Chaos destroys it. Conversely, Law invites stagnation, while Chaos invites creativity. Conversely, Law allows creativity to flourish; grow, while Chaos destroys the creation.
Eric at 1:45 PM