Saturday, September 30
In Opposition VI
What differenciates Christianity from Islam is obvious*[With Christianity] It is always possible to go back to true evangelical values, the peaceful character of Jesus as opposed to the deviation of the Church. None of the faults of the Church have their roots in the Gospel, Jesus is non-violent. Going back to Jesus is akin to forswear[ing] the exesses of the Church. To the contrary, going back to Mahomet reinforces hate and violence. Jesus is a master of love, Mahomet is a master of hatred. [...] Whereas Judaism and Christianity are religions whose rites spurn violence, by delegitimizing it, Islam is a religion that exalts violence and hatred in its everyday rites and sacred book.
*Taken from the essay by Robert Redeker, forced into hiding for daring to criticize Islam.
Eric at 12:45 AM
In Opposition V
Of Light...Physical:
The paramount perception of the sighted, and the eyes the vehicle to said perception; the apparatus by which the physical world is perceived.Positional:
To stand further from the source of Darkness than that of Light; to perceive shadow in terms of a lack of full light; to perceive Darkness as ultimately undesireable.Spiritual:
To see Light as the ultimate source of Goodness, Mercy, and Grace; to see Darkness as the ultimate source of Evil, Condemnation, and Damnation.
Of Darkness...
The realm of the unsighted, and the remaining senses the vehicles to unsighted perception; the apparatuses by which the physical world is perceived.Positional:
To stand further from the source of Light than that of Darkness; to perceive shadow in terms of lack of full Darkness; to perceive Light as ultimately undesireable.Spiritual:
To see Darkness as the ultimate source of Goodness, Mercy, and Grace; to see Light as the ultimate source of Evil, Condemnation, and Damnation.
Everyone is somewhere in between; we all cast shadows. Some more greatly than others, for the closer we stand to one pole or the other the less our shadows are cast.
Eric at 12:07 AM